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c. Supply. Unit supply personnel account for all materials during HM and HW requisition,
transportation, storage, and disposal. Platoon leaders ensure their supply personnel observe stringent
HM supply economy measures by ordering only the minimum amount of HM needed and, when
possible, ordering biodegradable, environmentally safe materials. When storing products, ensure the use
of stock rotation to minimize the turn-in of out-of-date material. Leaders also ensure that the supply
personnel turn-in or dispose of HM and HW according to the local regulations.
d. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical. NBC HM is used in NBC defense and training. Unit NBC
specialists exercise caution when storing and handling these materials. Leaders ensure that the personnel
dispose of the materials according to the local requirements and that the unit has a spill response
program in place that addresses NBC activities.
e. Unit Mission Training. Platoon leaders must exercise caution with noise pollution, air pollution,
waste disposal, spill protection, water pollution, and cultural and natural resource protection. Check with
the installation training staff concerning the training area restrictions, and coordinate for environmental
guidance in advance due to differing local, state, or HN regulations.
f. Communications. Modern communication systems use many types of batteries. Used batteries are
considered HW in most states, and therefore, unit personnel ensure that the SOPs specify storage and
disposal procedures for each type of battery in the unit.
g. Operations. Operations do not automatically suspend environmental considerations. Higher
commanders' guidance is critical to determine the risk that will be applied to any operation. Leaders
may use the risk management principles and the five-step process for guidance.
h. Special Requirements. In addition to meeting the previously stated requirements, some military
units, such as the National Guard (NG) and the Reserve Component (RC) units and units stationed in
foreign countries, must follow additional environmental guidelines. Check with the unit ECO and the
supporting HQ for more information.
3-6. Summary. Unit commanders are responsible for building and implementing a unit environmental
program. Assistance is available from the installation, garrison, and base staffs as well as from the unit
higher HQ. Tools to assist platoon leaders also include the generic checklists available for the units to
assess their compliance with environmental laws and regulations in their daily operations and activities.
One generic checklist may be found in FM 3-100.4, Appendix H. ECAS checklists provide a more
comprehensive assessment. Leaders must remember that self-assessment is only a guide and does not
provide the final determination of compliance.
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